Berger-Zobel: Innovative & Rigorous Product Development

Berger-Zobel is renowned both nationally and globally, as a pioneer and a leader in coatings’ product innovation. The company has represented the highest quality standards, specialisation and innovative strength for decades and has been formative in the creation of the specialised industrial coating segment. Berger-Zobel has received regular accolades in recognition of its innovative strengths and outstanding products. An example of this is the award of the top score of A+ in the “Germany TOP100 Innovator 2016” prize.


The company is proud of this reputation and is highly motivated to continue improving and investing in new products, further developments and innovations. Today, we therefore consistently and continuously reinvest a large part of our annual turnover into product innovation and development. We consequently have a highly experienced development team of product experts who have access to some of the most advanced product testing equipment available.


Berger-Zobel priortises sustainability, reliability and performance in all of its product development. This means we seek the most sustainable solutions to meet the product performance required. We then extensively test and re-test the product throughout its development to ensure we can deliver and guarantee the product performance that the customer is seeking.

In a nutshell: Top development performance from outstanding specialists, state-of-the-art technology and almost 100 years of experience as a specialist.


For more information on [Z] BERGER-ZOBEL’s innovative product development please follow the link


ProKolor® are UK partners of Berger-Zobel GmbH.

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